Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Big Bang

Big Bang, today we know that the whole universe came into being when we had a Big Bang in past, that is a good hypothesis but it has a problem.

If space is expanding at accelerated rate then something has to push the galaxies away at faster and faster speed, that gives rise to idea of dark energy. This does solve the problem but as we have no clue about what is dark energy we simply assume its there. If the same energy existed when Big Bang happened it simply cannot let atoms form as it will be much more concentrated and pushing everything apart.

That is the first problem that we cannot have atoms, planets, solar system and galaxies if we have dark energy as it simply doesn't act on other things but only galaxies.

Other problem is even more complex, if we are accelerating at away from other galaxies at faster and faster rates, it would mean that we are moving toward a void, this means universe has to be created at certain time, if that is the case something has to create it, now we have no idea but we could assume God made the universe but that is like tagging everything to God if we don't understand something, "God of gaps".

String theory has great explanation for creation of universe that is two membranes colliding with each other forming our universe, its sounds worse than idea of God actually when we don't know the process and we assume, membranes, collisions and formation without the actual process. These are 3 different assumptions that don't make logical sense. (But some people love it for some unknown reason).

Assuming Big Bang happened and we would have Big Crunch after this, this is sensible because at least we would have constant bangs and crunches all the time but we see universe expanding at an accelerated rate, that doesn't make sense how would Big Crunch happen as for that we have to slow down rather than speeding up.

Thus for people who would think about it, it would make sense that it's not possible to have Big Bang because we don't know what started it.

Does this mean idea about Big Bang is wrong? Or am I saying its wrong?

At least I'm not saying its wrong, I'm just giving a new twist to it. First lets start with the source of Big Bang, where did all the matter came from, the matter came from a very large object, which is very much static, in one part of it we simply sprouted like a fountain.

I personally don't know the size of the main object but when we put this object there everything starts making sense.

The Object is the biggest black hole you could imagine that means we can't see it, so time after time a big sprout would happen and universe like overs would be form, these universes could be larger or smaller than our universe but that is beyond the point, it also may happen that two sprouts would happen in a short time that is like 4-5 billion years and particles (galaxies) from first sprout would go on away for a longer time, this explains the part about big bang but what about big crunch and why do we see things accelerating away from each other?

For that we have to know about about how gravity really works.

When Shoemaker Levy comet was about to hit Jupiter, it broke into many smaller pieces, question is why?

What we can understand is that front of the comet had higher gravitational pull compared to back of it, which ripped it apart and it caused the problem of comet breaking into many pieces.

Now imagine you are on the middle of this comet, sitting right on the middle piece, the pieces have already broken apart but you are alive just for few seconds. You would see in these few seconds that part you are on is moving away from part in front of you and behind you, but you could see Jupiter and that would mean its breaking the comet apart, now imagine you can't see Jupiter and you don't even know it's there. You would see that all parts are moving away from each other and you are traveling through space or you are just static if you have no other reference.

Is this exactly what we see when we see other galaxies?

We are already in a big crunch, moving toward the main black hole faster and faster, we see we are moving slower than galaxies in front of us and faster than galaxies behind us, we are heading toward the end of the universe.

For this explanation that gives total picture of what we see today but it does not have to start new terms that we are unsure about we cannot detect them, yes it does assume the existence of a hyper massive black hole but we can feel its effects.

Monday, March 11, 2013


I like to ask questions and most of the questions I ask start with "why", thus I will ask lots of question that could be answered by me. I am not claiming to know everything but over past few years I have asked "why" and it only make sense if its looked in this point of view.

This theory has simple formulations but I will not talk about equations as first problem I don't know if these are correct, secondly I don't know if people will be interested in them.

To start with, why we do we need a new theory?

Simple answer to this is, what we have today is close approximation of how things are, we really don't know how atoms look or where Big Bang started from. This theory has to be in steps, its like everything is linked to another, you take out one thing and other thing isn't supported. Thus concepts like General Relativity contradicting with Quantum Mechanics do not exist in this theory.

Everything is connected to another, where if you tweak one part, everything else has to change, my point is that its a complete theory of everything, from source of creation of universe all the way to how atoms really work and what is gravity.

Everything is perfectly linked and taken as a whole system rather than different components.

These are the topics that I will discuss:

1. Big Bang (How it all started)
2. What is gravity? What's the energy source of it?
3. What is an atom? What are its components based on this theory?
4. What is light?
5. Big Crunch (Why it needs to happen?)

The topics like Gravity and atom will be broken into many sub topics that I would cover in many parts as I do not know how many parts it would take, but when it's all done, I hope you have understood the new concept of looking at things.